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a8 expressway造句

  • a8 expressway    "' D44 "'is a state road connecting A8 expressway Lupoglav interchange via Buzet. Current long-term plans for developing the A7 motorway define its ultimate southern terminus in } uta Lok...
  • a8    Telephones have similar adjustments for inside line lengths ( A8 ). Since 1988, Interlaken has been connected to the A8 motorway. The A2 was replaced by the A8-16 in 1981. The majority of ...
  • a8生物瘦脸素    A8生物瘦脸素适用于腮部因肌肉肥厚、松弛、下坠的大脸、方脸、国字脸等。 A8生物瘦脸素特殊工艺制成的生物制剂,加入适当保护剂冻干而成,为白色疏松体,稀释后为无色透明或淡黄色溶液。
  • a8生物祛皱素    A8生物祛皱素又叫肉毒素。 A8生物祛皱素是上海斯诺美生物医学技术服务中心提供的一款除皱产品。 A8生物祛皱素的治疗机理在于它能作用于周围运动神经末梢及神经肌肉接头,抑制突触前膜释放乙酰胆碱,从而导致肌肉松弛性麻痹,治疗肌肉痉挛和肌张力障碍性疾病。 A8生物祛皱素的皮肤除皱作用,是1986年加拿大温哥华不列颠哥伦比亚大学医学学院眼科教授J.C.在治疗眼睑痉挛中意外发现的,1...
  • a8 audi    The A8 Audi Exclusive Concept is a limited ( 50 units ) version of the A8 L W12 quattro with interior leather upholstery from Italian furniture manufacturer Poltrona Frau in the color Agat...
  • a8 autoroute    Between Rebecq and Enghien the line parallels the A8 autoroute, separated by a security fence. At Ventabren, a viaduct extends across the A8 autoroute, the D10 and the Canal de Provence. I...
  • a8 countries    A particular reason for grouping the A8 countries was an expectation that they would be the origin for a new wave of increased migration to wealthier European countries. One of the more re...
  • a8 highway    In Aix-en-Provence, 2, 500 youths blocked the A8 highway. The city is connected to Genoa and to A8 highway at the border between Ventimiglia and Menton. In nearby Aix-en-Provence, 2, 500 y...
  • a8 motorway    Since 1988, Interlaken has been connected to the A8 motorway. In the 1980s the A8 motorways further connected Spiez and the surrounding villages. Completion of the A8 motorway in 1971 prov...
  • a8 road    The A8 road runs east west through the north of the area. It is on the A8 road, near Glasgow Airport. East of the village beside the A8 road is a spoil tip from a disused ironstone mine. ...
  • a8 roads    The A8 road runs east west through the north of the area. It is on the A8 road, near Glasgow Airport. East of the village beside the A8 road is a spoil tip from a disused ironstone mine. ...
  • a8瘦脸霜    而A8瘦脸霜大部分成分都是死海泥构成的!
  • a8城市公寓    A8城市公寓不仅周边配套成熟,其物业和物管也达到了星级标准。 A8城市公寓位于宜昌伍家岗区五一广场旁,据宜昌搜房网了解A8城市公寓项目将于近期正式面世,其售楼部目前已开放迎宾。 据宜昌搜房网了解,A8城市公寓项目由宜昌金峡房地产有限公司开发建设,项目占据着伍家岗新城区的核心位置,毗邻五一广场,与高速出口和宜昌新火车站遥相呼应,地理位置优越,交通极为便捷,发展和...
  • a8音乐    》于2010年9月发行,并签约A8音乐唱片公司。 当初她将歌曲上传到A8音乐平台,入围决赛并获大奖纯属偶然。 15岁创作单曲《断线的风筝》,位列A8音乐网连续10周原创音乐榜版首。 于是,接下来A8音乐网上琳琅满目的铃声下载成了公司主要利润来源。 创作并演唱的作品《春天来了》获A8音乐和MTV举办的中国电媒音乐大赛铜奖。 此外,A8音乐还销售非音乐内容,包括游...
  • a8音乐盒    A8音乐盒A8 Box for PPCA8 BOX是A8音乐推出的一个定位为“无线音乐门户”的客户端软件,将为您提供原声歌曲的在线播放、下载、搜索、收藏管理和网络音乐电台的收听等服务,让您随时随地寻找你自己喜爱的歌曲,享受(听)自己喜欢的音乐。 推出第一个铃声下载服务,为中国无线音乐翻开了历史性的一页;并且搭建了国内最大的原创音乐平台,为中国乐坛注入了全新的血...
  • apple a8    It is a high performance variant of the Apple A8. The iPad Mini 4 features the Apple A8 and the Apple M8 motion coprocessor. Both models include an Apple A8 system-on-chip, and an M7 chip ...
  • arm cortex a8    They both have similar CPUs which are ARM Cortex A8-based. It has a 512 MB RAM and ARM Cortex A8 processor, clocked at 1.5 GHz. In that work, an ARM Cortex A8 processor is used as the subs...
  • arrows a8    Fifth had been Thierry Boutsen until his Arrows A8 broke its gearbox. Swiss driver Marc Surer finished ninth in his Arrows A8. The "'Arrows A8 "'was a Formula One car, designed by Dave Was...
  • audi a8    Audi A8 once again showcases its superb engineering in this aluminum-alloy sedan. "' Night Vision Assistant "'was introduced in 2010 on the Audi A8. Oh, there is one other drawback to an A...
  • audi a8 w12    In 2004 the Audi A8 W12 became the first production car to use LED headlight technology, for the integrated daytime running lamps.
  • cortex a8    They both have similar CPUs which are ARM Cortex A8-based. The A1 tablet was powered by a single-core 1 GHz Cortex A8 processor. It has a 512 MB RAM and ARM Cortex A8 processor, clocked at...
  • galaxy a8    The "'Samsung Galaxy A8 "'is an Android phablet produced by Samsung Electronics. The Galaxy A8 is thinner than earlier models from the A-series and Samsung's overall smartphone lineup, mea...
  • lner class a8    At this time, 37 locomotives were allocated to West Auckland, mainly of LNER Class A8 ( 5 locomotives ) and Class J21 no . 5064 ) was allocated to the sub-shed at Wearhead.
  • samsung galaxy a8    The "'Samsung Galaxy A8 "'is an Android phablet produced by Samsung Electronics. The "'Samsung Galaxy A8 ( 2016 ) "'is an Galaxy A series smartphones, the Galaxy A8 ( 2016 ) provides with ...
  • 上海a8酒店    上海a8酒店(国顺路店)位于上海市杨浦区四平路、国顺路路口,高8层。 上海a8酒店?白云店的设计风格,让您充分体验欧陆情调的热情浪漫、感受温馨家居的细腻关怀。 上海a8酒店(白云店):A8酒店白云店位于上海市普陀区梅岭南路近兰溪路口,酒店高6层,总面积约5000平方米。 上海a8酒店?白云店位于上海市普陀区梅岭南路近兰溪路口,毗邻内环高架路、轨道交通及沪宁高速公路入口处,交...

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